
Possessions, paperwork and clutter can build up quickly in modern households and this can often make us feel under pressure and lessen our enjoyment of life. If you have a desire or need to be free of accumulated clutter in your home, we can help you to sort through everything, thoughtfully dispose of those items that you either no longer want, need, or have room for, and help create a system for keeping everything else tidy, leaving you with a living space that you love and can enjoy again.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to declutter, whether it be making space for a new addition to your family, clearing a garage to make space for a new hobby, clearing a spare room for a home office, or clearing out years of accumulated clutter to simply reclaim your home, we hope that at the end of this process you will feel that a certain energy has been put back into your living space and that you feel recharged by the result that you have achieved.

Here’s a before and after picture of how we decluttered a client’s kitchen. Cheryl Carter, founder of Every Home Matters was able to negotiate a new kitchen with the housing association.