We have a number of company policies that deal with the way in which we interact with the environment during our business activities and these give details of the high level of attention we give to this matter. However it is often the small details that are important and so it is only right to let you know some of those every day things that we do that will make a difference to our environment in the long run.
Waste : We are a licensed waste carrier under the Government Waste Carriers Scheme – waste carriers license number CBDL34070.
Waste Management : We operate a strict policy whereby all waste and rubbish generated from our activities is segregated for recycling and/or landfill disposal.
Antibiotic Guardian : We have each registered our commitment to this Government Initiative which was established by Public Health England during October 2014. We will always ensure that out of date or unwanted antibiotics that arise from our activities will be disposed of responsibly at a pharmacist outlet to ensure that they do not enter the environment and the food chain.
Carbon Footprint : We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and to saving our planet. We will always:
- switch off all office IT equipment, lighting and other electronic or electrical office equipment that uses power even when on standby, overnight and/or when not in use.
- only use and/or purchase electronic goods, IT goods and white goods that are A Rated wherever possible
- recycle waste paper, cardboard, plastics and metals.
- recycle or reuse waste items arising from our client activities – eg. cardboard boxes and plastic bags may be used for transporting waste or other items.
- use environmentally friendly products wherever practicable, such as recycled or reusable rubbish sacks or plastic storage boxes and environmentally friendly or organic cleaning products, etc.
- recycle all of our printer cartridges via The Recycling Factory who in turn contribute funds raised from this activity to a charity of our choice.
- never print documents unless it is absolutely necessary and we use either recycled printer paper or paper produced from sustainable resources. We always print double sided when this is possible.
- only ever travel to meetings when it is necessary to do so otherwise we will conduct these via the telephone, Skype or similar.
- manage travel and transportation to keep it to a minimum and endeavour to do so by restricting this to essential activities, when we have full loads, and when we can restrict the overall mileage that is likely to be travelled.