Fear, denial, anger and acceptance in a mammagram centre
Having had my mammogram and ultrasound I returned to the waiting area and as I took my seat I began anxiously to wonder whether the results would be positive or negative. The wait felt like an eternity, and my thoughts drifted before realising how many other individuals were sitting around me; my thoughts turned to them.
Being a people person I love to talk to everyone and so I soon discovered that some of these people had previously been diagnosed with cancer and were there for further consultation and treatment, whilst others were in remission and there for follow-up appointments. Others sat there anxiously like me, waiting and contemplating what fate has in store for us.
One thing that struck me when talking to those who were in remission or still receiving treatment was their sheer determination to get through it, challenging their positive mental attitude and bravery yet still managing to find humour, borne from the darkest of places.
One lady I spoke with revealed that she is terminally ill yet she had such an immensely positive attitude that her thirst for life was truly inspirational. She described the feelings and emotions that she experienced from first being diagnosed as fear, then denial, followed by anger and finally acceptance.
I asked her how she remained so positive and she told me that she had accepted that you can only live for the moment, since none of us truly knows what is around the corner. She said this was in a very bizarre and sad way, a wake-up call to live life and that her only regret was she wished she had done this before being diagnosed with cancer.
For me my appointment was a positive outcome in many ways, but I took something much more away with me that day; I will never forget their bravery, strength and determination to never give up the fight!
“Live for the moment, since none of us truly knows what is around the corner.”