Keep going!
Like a tree I stand tall. A poem to inspire you, by Cheryl Carter.
‘Like a tree I stand tall, my roots firmly grounded as I grow.
Where naivety to the storms and diseases of life once stood, I accept whatever the conditions and go with the flow.
Being put to the test the wind blows so strong, that sometimes I feel as though I am going to break.
I surprise myself and remain flexible, bending and going with the flow.
Slowly the storm calms and I still stand tall, albeit a bit shaken and battered.
Time is a great healer; gradually I am beginning to heal. I am not quite the same as before, but the storm has taught me survival and self-care.
I look around me and to my surprise, where there once stood a forest, I stand alone.
Autumn and winter have been harsh, stripping me bare.
Suddenly as loneliness and isolation now creep in, the world seems bigger than ever before.
The noise of others, their warmth, chatter and closeness to nature all around is replaced with silence.
I take comfort in seeing the sun is rising once again; as spring approaches and my anxiety is replaced with positivity for better days to come.
With self-care, love and motivation, I take pride in the fact that I survived the storm, and each daybreak brings a new beginning.
I am responsible for my own wellbeing, believing in myself and my passions.
I suddenly see a reflection in the pool of water that stands at my feet.
At first, I do not quite recognise what I see; the storm has changed me.
The bruised and barren branches are now covered with blossom and where I once stood alone, nature has restored faith.
I am surrounded with birds singing and an orchestra of insects and mammals too.
The sun is shining once again and all I can feel is love and gratitude for surviving the storm.’
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